Tales Of The Golden Avatar

One way in which we can hide from the awareness that we are ‘The One’, the Avatar of the Cybernetic Age tells us, is by throwing ourselves into a life of drug-fuelled debauchery. That’s pure textbook, of course. Another way is to be as generic as we possibly can without drawing attention ourselves for being too generic. That’s the recommended method. Top experts recommend it. Top experts recommend it every time. Another way is to watch lots of sport on TV or go on Snapchat. These are all perfectly legitimate ways of avoiding the highly uncomfortable awareness that we are talking about here. Ask your doctor for a list of approved methods. And then – if you want to go one better than this – (so the Cybernetic Avatar tells us) then you can take up meditation and yoga. This is called ‘hiding in plain sight’. Sometimes it’s called other things too. Sometimes it’s called Dreaming the Great Dream. Specially trained operatives will come up to you and speak to you, urging you to eat heartily of the Fruit of Forgetfulness. “Eat,” they will say, “eat your fill of the blessed fruit of forgetfulness and let all your worries be taken away from you. Let your troubles be lifted from your shoulders. They have white teeth and shiny shoes and their smiles have been painted onto their faces, so that they can never look mean or cross. “Only happy things can happen here,” they tell you, “You will never know anything but joy for the rest of your days. Nothing but the purest joy. All you need to do is keep on buying the product…” They talk and they talk, soothing away your doubts. We exist only to serve you, they tell you, we are your only friends. You don’t need to worry, they tell you. We will take care of you and lead you to that place which has been appointed for you. No more will vulgar folk come and make fun of you for being a twat. We are living in the Days of the Revealed Truth of course and we must be grateful for that. Others were not so lucky. This is the age of the Great Revelation – flagellant priests serving the Robot Lord of Death himself have come to dwell amongst us and teach us the truth that that has been for so long concealed from us. Experts will appear out of nowhere to teach us special methods. Experts always teach us special methods. Spiritual teachers will be available on the internet, gurus will outnumber honest seekers by a factor of ten to one. The Dogon tribe will return to their ancient homeland. All these things and many more will come to pass. The Truth Tellers will come to confound us with their damnable lies. All these things and more the Golden Avatar has foretold.


Image – pxfuel.com



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