Author Archives: zippypinhead1

Bed Worm

Farting angrily in the night, the bad things roam restlessly around the fields that surround my house. I can’t see them but I can hear them – I could hear them coughing harshly from time to time, letting out mad yelps and making strange bubbling noises. I could hear them all too well as I lay there cowering in my rickety bed, pulling the bed clothes around me, trying not to get too afraid, trying to keep a cool head.


“But what is too afraid?” you ask, “what sort of a thing is ‘not being too afraid’? How exactly would you characterise such a state?” You’re mocking me, of course – you’re laughing at me for being such a pathetic worm of a man. I’ll let it pass though – I won’t rise to the bait. I’m not a trout, after all! No, I’m not a trout. I’m an eel. The eel is my spirit animal, it is my totem. If I had a flag (or a coat of arms, even) then it would bear the insignia of an eel rampant on the field of sludge. That would be my proud banner.


The night creatures terrify me and I’m not ashamed to admit it. Well, I am ashamed it but when fear becomes too great, when it goes past a certain point, then all considerations of shame, and the need to cover it up, disappears. As I’m sure you yourself know only too well. Then, there is only naked blind fear, careless of what it has to do, careless of what indignities may become necessary. That’s how it always is when terror grips your innards – no thought is given to the question of how much of a fool one may appear. One does what one has to do, no matter how graceless – or downright shameful – it might be. That’s the freedom fear gives us.


I know you’re probably thinking that they weren’t really any fearsome creatures roaming around restlessly outside my house, making vile noises as I lay in my bed quivering with terror. I know you’re probably thinking that it was all in my head, that my fearful mind was simply imagining things. You’re wrong, though. The rational mind always tries to explain things away – that’s how it disguises its fear. That’s why the rational mind is so harsh, so quick to judge – because it is in denial of its own abject fear. That makes the everyday mind cruel, you see – that denial makes the mind unspeakably cruel. Fear has a lot to answer for, my friends.


Fear either makes us into monsters or worms, I guess you could say. It’s either the one way or the other, isn’t it? I may be a worm, but at least I’m an honest one! It is of course a bit sad the best thing I can say about myself that I am at least an honest worm, writhing around in sheer unexpurgated terror in the dead of night but that’s how it is, I’m afraid. And I really am afraid. I have no other way of consoling myself, no other way of repairing my self-esteem. I’m simply making do with what I have available.


In my dreams I am no bed worm but a Mighty Eel, writhing sinuously (and yet at the same time powerfully) in a great stagnant pool of brackish sludge. This is my Kingdom. Never mess with an eel, my friends, never mess with an eel. The eel is King of the Deep. The eel has magical properties. It feeds on poison, on toxins, but comes to no harm. The Eel King thrives and grow strong where lesser creatures would perish. It swims through filth and suffers not. It eats what is not wholesome and yet it never become sick. It rejoices in conditions that would horrify any other creature…


I am undergoing mitosis, I realise. I am nearing the hour of my transformation. All my life has been leading up to this moment (although having said this, I have to admit that this could be said for any moment). My whole life was leading up to this moment but I overshot in my excitement and so it all came to nothing. I couldn’t control my own momentum and before I knew it the moment was gone; before I knew it the moment was behind me and I was catapulted headfirst into a life of nonstop surreal stupidity. “It might be a life of nonstop surreal stupidity, but it’s my life of nonstop serial stupidity,” I told myself bravely, from the comfort of my crumpled and malodorous bed.





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The Habit Of Existence

Back in The Days before Time Began – when some things were well known but other things were as of yet still unknown (and would probably remain so) – we took a vote, myself and the other Elder Gods, as to whether there should be such a thing as existence or not. We voted overwhelmingly against it of course, being of one mind in this regard, but later on we lost our resolve. We went back on ourselves, we went back on our original decision and voted to allow it as a trial run, just to see how it worked out. That’s what we said to ourselves anyway, in a foolish attempt to prove to ourselves that we are being prudent and responsible and so on. Once we had voted it in however we were stuck with it – we couldn’t get rid of it again. We’d made our bed and we were brutally compelled to lie in it. The problem was that once we had learned the filthy habit of existing we couldn’t then – at that late stage (after the event, as it were) – turn around and unlearn it. That’s a story you’ve probably heard before, I’d say! I’m sure there are all sorts of examples of this sort of thing – one-way valves that we pass glibly through, talking incessantly as we do so, speaking hideous nonsense as we do so, getting carried away with the heady intoxication of the lies that we ourselves were telling (being deeply enamoured, as we were, with whatever flavour of bullshit it was that happened to be trending at the time) only to discover – very shortly afterwards – that we had lost everything that had actually been any good in our lives. We had become helpless addicts, addicted to existence in all its forms and yet despising it at the same time. Very much despising it. ‘Suppose you opted for a certain type of existence,” I challenged the other members of the Council, “and you were the lowest of the low, devoid of even the slightest trace of self-respect, having lost even the little bit of good that you used to have back in the early days, before the rot set in, would you curse time for playing you false?” My challenge rang out with great clarity in the Sacred Hall of the Ancient Proto-Gods, but no one took any notice. No one paid any heed to me. I was well known in those days for my empty histrionics – I was a Failed God, an experiment gone wrong. I had made some wrong decisions and I was too stubborn to admit it. I was too cowardly to admit it – I was full of fear but I wouldn’t own up to it.



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Spicy Noodle Box

When I eat Biximeds!TM then all seems well in the world. I’m enjoying the deep rich flavour of a premium product, a unique award-winning formula which combines the benefits of a tried and trusted family favourite with a deep, rich flavour of a world-beating formula. The deep rich flavour of a premium product that says so much about you, the deep rich pungent flavour that lets you know that all’s well in the world.


It’s very important to have a world-beating formula, very important indeed. That’s the first thing to understand. They’ll always ask you that you see, they’ll always ask you if you have a unique, world-beating formula. That’s the first thing they’ll ask you and you’ve got to have an answer on the tip of your tongue. You’ve got to have that solution right there in your top pocket and be ready to go at a moment’s notice. That’s the only way they’ll take you seriously. That’s the only way you’ll ever be taken seriously…


I’m always building things with my mind – that’s something I’ve noticed over the years. Building these stupid things. I might think that I’m doing nothing, I might think that I’m just chilling out, that I’m ‘hanging out’, or whatever, but really I’m as busy as fuck, building all sorts of things with that overactive mind of mine. Building this, building that, building the other – I don’t even know what I’m building (or not building) at this stage. I haven’t a clue as to what’s going on, to be honest, and – when it comes down to it – I’m not sure that I want to. All my instincts are telling me to look the other way and I’m a pretty instinctual guy.


It’s not just that I’m not sure if I want to know what’s going on, come to think of it. I know I don’t. That’s Pandora’s box as far as I’m concerned and there isn’t a person anywhere on the whole planet who hasn’t heard about that box. Folk have been talking about that old box, and how you should be especially careful to never open it, not even by a little bit, for thousands upon thousands of years. There’s stuff going on in that box that you just don’t want to know about, trust me. The kind of stuff that will keep you awake at night, that kind of stuff that you might catch a momentary glimpse of and then spend the rest of your life wishing wholeheartedly that you hadn’t.


If only we could turn back the page, right? If only we could, if only we could. If only the universe were designed like that. But – as we know – it isn’t. There are things out there that are truly disturbing, things that you really don’t want to know about. That’s a given, that’s a fact of life – I’m not telling you anything you don’t know already. But the really bad shit – the kind of super-bad shit that you really don’t want to know about is all on the inside. That’s kind of the point to the little story I’m trying to tell. That’s kind of what I’m talking about here. Or at least I think that’s what I’m talking about – more or less. That kind of thing, anyway…





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They Call Me The Despiser

They call me the Despiser.  They call me that on account of how I go around despising people, having contempt for people. That’s my hobby, you see – it amuses me to go around despising the people that I meet. Having pure contempt for them. Well, I’m not amused as such, you understand – that’s just a turn of phrase. I’m not really amused at all. It’s not as if I find anything particularly  funny about my situation, because I don’t. As a rule, I don’t see that much to laugh at in life, when it comes down to it. I am well known for not getting the joke.


I despise people in general and myself in particular. I despise myself most of all because I know what I’m like! You may not know what I’m like, but I sure as hell do. I’ve got a fair idea, at any rate. I’ve known myself for rather a long time now, you see – too long, some might say – and I have yet to surprise myself by doing anything nice. Let’s put it like that, shall we? Why not, after all. Why not put it like that…


I even despise my own despising; I despise my own despising with a passion and that leaves me with nowhere to turn, as you can no doubt appreciate. Nowhere to turn, nowhere to turn. But everyone has to have somewhere to turn, you might say to yourself, but that’s where you’d be wrong. You would be wrong in this case at any rate. You’d be wrong in my case. You’d be dead wrong.


They call me the Insect Man on account of how I have a jointed exoskeleton, antennae, and six legs. Chances are, if you came across some sort of creature with a jointed exoskeleton, antennae and six legs it’s going to be an insect. Not always though, that isn’t always the case. It’s not universally true, just generally so. It could just be a hallucination you see. It could be a larger-than-life hallucination that came out of your very own brain and nowhere else. Your very own super-treacherous, super-devious little brain. Fake friends in a fake world you see – fake friends faking it for all they are worth in the big fat fake old world!


I’ve never known a world that wasn’t fake, now that I come to think of it. I’ve never known a world that wasn’t a lie. Drifting restlessly from one fake world to another, finding nothing to sustain my interest, finding nothing but more and more of this infernal pestilential fakery. There is a time to lie and a time to tell the truth (or so we’re told) but I have yet to come across the latter. I have yet to find myself in a situation where my core instincts weren’t telling me to lie my damn head off! ‘Lie you stupid bastard, lie!’ my core instincts keep telling me, ‘Lie as hard as you can you stupid useless twat, lie as if your very life depends upon it…’


Like a bastard, lie like a freak. Isn’t that right? Isn’t that what your core instincts keep on telling you? I would presume that it is, at any rate. I presume as much. We can only infer what it must be like to be someone else, experiencing what they are experiencing, feeling the emotions that they do, making the rash decisions that they are making. We can only guess, we can only guess. I have yet to have a day in my life when I wasn’t lying my goddamn head off, lying fit to burst, lying like a complete out-of-control gobshyte. I know nothing else, you might say. I know nothing else but my own interminable lies. I take this as being perfectly normal of course. I assume that it’s the same for everyone.


Am I right in this assumption, though? I sometimes wonder if I’m right about this. Sometimes I get to wondering about it. ‘Perhaps it’s not the same for everybody’, I say to myself. Maybe it’s only me that’s like this. At times like this my thoughts turn against me and I become dreadfully agitated and ill at ease. I become troubled in myself. The thought ‘Am I an complete and utter freak?’ pops into my head. It tries to get my attention by flashing on and off at high speed. After a while I generally calm down, however. Eventually I calm down, to some extent or other, at least. ‘Probably everyone goes through this’, I say to myself reassuringly, ‘probably this is a perfectly normal thought process…’




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My Mind Was Sitting In The Corner

My mind was sitting in the corner, knitting. It was knitting a giant shapeless sweater with which to cover the whole world. All you could hear was the endless ‘clack, clack, clack’ of the knitting needles. The racket of it was unbearable and I was feeling very irritated. ‘Fuck you, mind,’ I said after a while, ‘can’t you ever stop knitting?’


We don’t get on, you see – me and my mind. We don’t see eye to eye at all. Usually, we just sit there sullenly at opposite ends of the table glowering at each other, seething away inside, emitting bad vibes the like of which you can’t possibly imagine. The atmosphere in the room would be foul beyond belief, if the truth were to be known. Toxic isn’t the word for it, toxic is a wholly inadequate term for what used to go on between me and my mind back in those days. In short, there was some serious bad shit going down and there’s no point in me sitting here trying to deny it to you.


‘Perhaps the two of you should have gone to see a therapist,’ you interject archly, trying your best to be tactful. ‘That would have been the responsible thing to do.’ It’s obvious to me however that you’re assuming it’s all my fault, which everyone always does. They take one look at me and assume that it’s all my fault. I’m the innocent one in this story though – I was totally innocent of any wrong-doing and all you’re doing is victim-blaming. ‘Well, you must have done something wrong’, you say glibly, ‘or else why would all of this happen to you. It doesn’t happen to normal people, after all…’ Stuff like that never happens to normal people so if it happens to you then you know for sure that you’re a freak! How can you possibly deny it? When bad stuff happens then it must be your fault so you should just suck it up


The thing that happened to you in the first place is quite bad enough anyway of course but then you realize that none of that shit would have happened to you if you hadn’t been a freak and that awareness is the icing on the cake, so to speak. That takes it to the next level, as you might imagine. You start to turn in on yourself when that happens – ‘your pain is your shame’, sort of thing. The lessons are there for all to learn – “It’s wrong to be wrong, so we’re told. It’s always wrong to be wrong so just don’t do it. Just don’t do the wrong thing – how hard is that to understand? It’s not rocket-science, is it? It’s right to be right and it’s wrong to be wrong and there’s nothing else we can say about it. It’s a mistake to make a mistake so just bloody don’t.


It had seemed like a good idea at the time and yet I had known all along that it had been a mistake. I just couldn’t accept this however and so I pretended to myself that my life was normal. I pretended every day, year after year. ‘My life is normal,’ I said to myself. It just wasn’t true however – I had made a mistake and no one wanted to know me after that. No one wanted to know me before that either, come to think of it. They knew that things weren’t right – they could tell things weren’t right just to look at me. The trapped look in my eyes, the strange sibilant hissing I made instead of talking, the way I’d suddenly start panting for no reason. I should have known better, of course. I did know better, but I was – all the same – quite powerless to avoid my fate. I carried on anyway. I carried on regardless. That’s the way it always is with fate though, isn’t it? There are two sorts of people in this world, we could say. There are those who are powerless to avoid their fate and know it, and there are those who are powerless to avoid their fate and like to pretend otherwise…






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The Wheels of Justice

‘Should I continue to go along with it?’ I ask myself, ‘should I continue to pretend that it is all real, that I am real, and all of the rest of it, or should I just stop pretending?’ Suppose that it were possible somehow to get time out from your life, so that you could go off and make a fresh start and do something less tedious this time, something that doesn’t take quite so much grinding effort – would you avail of this unexpected opportunity (and certainly it is unexpected, for how would it not be?) or would you stick with the rigmarole of your habitual existence and ignore the moment of freedom that has just dawned? We pretend that our daily rigmarole is real, do we not? We tell ourselves that it is both real and very important. We’d get upset if someone said that it wasn’t. ‘If you don’t tell then neither will I…’ I say quickly, seizing the chance to avoid being crushed by the wheels of justice as they grind inexorably on. The least said the soonest mended – or so I was always told at any rate – and the thing is that I’ve said far too much already. I’ve said it all and there’s nothing left to say. It’s no good me trying to take it back you see; it’s no good me trying to take it back because it’s already out there. As large as life. Everything’s already been done and so there’s nothing left to do apart from taking a seat on the sidelines and watching. That’s the defining moment of my life, you might say – the moment where I get to watch everyone else have a great time. Or not, as the case may be. ‘Why does life have to be like this?’ you ask yourself, ‘why does it have to be like this and not some other way? Some other better way.’ Our lives grind on, do they not? Our lives grind on and on, minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day, whilst in the depths of our being we can’t help wondering what it’s all in aid of. It’s the Force of Entropy of course, that’s what it really comes down to. We never spot it until after the event, as it were. We never spot it until it’s far too late. It creeps up on us over the years, it creeps up on us with the greatest of stealth and then – when there’s exactly zero chance of us being able to do anything about it, it wallops us. It lands on us, it crushes the life out of us. The crushing force of precedence. I did it once and so now I’m going to do it again. I did it ten thousand times and so there’s nothing for it but do it again. I’ve started and so there’s nothing for it but to carry on. I have to see it through to the end. Only it never does end, does it? Be honest now. Just this once. It never finishes (which would at least be something) but rather it drags on interminably. It doesn’t have the decency to end itself, as I believe Sartre was at pains to point out.  It just degrades. It winds down bit by bit, getting slower and slower all the time, but it never stops. Will we ever get there, we wonder? Will we ever get to where we’re going. Only of course we weren’t actually going anywhere. We were never going anywhere. The bus has run out of petrol and so we (the disgruntled passengers) have to complete their journey on foot. We’re disembarking from the stranded vehicle and we’re milling around aimlessly, unable to orientate ourselves, unable to keep up the pretence anymore, the pretence that we know what we’re doing, the pretence that it actually makes sense to us.






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Common-or-Garden Gobshite

‘What are your favourite metals?’ people sometimes ask me.’ What are your most favourite of ALL metals’.  ‘Well,’ I generally reply, ‘my favourites are molybdenum, zirconium, hafnium and cobalt’. They are my special favourites but I do have others. I was reading about the six habits of spiritually successful people. ‘This is important stuff to know’, I tell myself earnestly. ‘I might learn something useful here.’ There’s a lot to learn in life but we’re not always able to learn it and that’s the problem. That’s the problem right there. How to know if you’re a very rare type of empath, for example? I don’t know – the type that’s also got PK abilities, or latent PK abilities, or something like that. How to know, how to know. Or maybe you’re not an empath at all, maybe you just like to imagine that you are, because the actual truth is far too difficult to endure. The truth is always hard to endure, as I’m sure you know. We’ve all had that experience, after all – the experience of not being able to endure the truth. Not even for a short while. Perhaps you’re not a rare type of super-empath at all but just a common or garden gobshite, the type of gobshite you can meet anywhere in the world, as easily as anything. Gobshites aren’t particularly hard to meet, after all. They’re not like unicorns. Statistically, you’re much more likely to be a gobshite than otherwise. That’s a hard truth to stomach, you see; you might think it isn’t but I’m here to tell you otherwise. It’s awfully hard. Seven signs that you might be a complete knobhead – that would be a good one, don’t you think? That would be an amusing article to write. Six signs (that you probably never picked up on before) that show beyond any doubt that you’re a total tosser! Yes, indeed. I started my own YouTube channel to tell people about my successful and innovative lifestyle and how I pulled it off against all the odds. What my strategies were, for example. How I developed my own unique methods. I can share that with the world because that’s something everyone would like to know about. Six signs that you might be a sickening twat, that sort of thing. ‘Oh my God’, you say, ‘I never realized…’ Life’s full of surprises, isn’t it? It’s just full of them. Packed to the brim, in fact. It’s not that we’re particularly fond of surprises however – no one is. Not really. The problem – simply put – is that we never know how they are going to turn out. We never know whether it’s going to be a good surprise or a bad one. Surprise, surprise – you’re a gobshite! How about that? How do you like them apples, huh? What’re you going to do about that? Not that you can do anything of course. Not there is anything to do because there isn’t. There’s no way out of it. Anything a fool does carries the indelible stamp of the fool, after all. Anything a fool does is simply an extension of their foolishness, and that’s just the way of it. It’s tough being a fool, you see. Any decision you make is guaranteed to only make matters worse and yet you’re under serious pressure to act. You’re under serious pressure to come up with an answer. So, this is very frustrating. Very frustrating indeed. The indelible stamp of the fool! I like the sound of that, I must say. It’s got a definite ring to it. It trips off the tongue. I’m in very bad form today, I must say. I’m as cranky as hell – stomping around, muttering under my breath, shouting angrily at anyone who comes near me. Not that anyone ever does come near me, come to think of it. I am here all alone – just me and my restless irritable mind, which feels like a pot of something unpleasant on the stove, never actually boiling over but always on the point of doing so, or so it seems. That’s how it feels anyway. Don’t ask me what’s in the pot, however – don’t ask me that because I don’t know. Something bad, that’s all I can tell you. Something rotten…




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Fortune Favours The Infinitely Powerful

‘Fortune favours the infinitely powerful’, as I like to say. Fortune always favours the infinitely powerful. When a goal has been staunchly achieved, regardless of the mighty obstructions that have been put in place precisely for that reason, then this demonstrates to everyone concerned that you have special kudos (or QDOS) with regard to which people will often or at least sometimes express their considerable approval. ‘This is great’, they will say, ‘this is most splendid to be sure’. Some will be envious of your outstanding kudos – they will say that you didn’t do it right and that they could have done it better. Or they might say that the devil was helping you, that he was aiding you in your achievements and so on. They might say that you’re some kind of disgusting drug addict or pervert. All sorts of things like this they might say but – really –  they’re just jealous of you because they are so tiresomely ineffective in themselves. They resent you deeply and they want your kudos for themselves. ‘Good things are going to happen’, you hear. Good things are going to happen, and angels will help you. Tidings such as these can raise your spirits, you see. They can stop you looking so glum, as you are rather prone to. Positive thinking can imbue you with that very special type of confidence, that very special type of confidence that means you can never be wrong. You can afford to be in good humour then – why wouldn’t you be? That very special confidence which means that you can’t ever be wrong, not ever. You will always succeed in achieving your goals, you will always succeed in garnering the admiration of the foolish masses. I have to admit however that this is all just ‘so much blah-blah talk’ – the type of vulgar talk you can hear any day you want in any bar in any town anywhere in the country. Cheap talk, third-rate talk, empty foolish talk. I must confess at this point that I don’t really like myself that much, I don’t really have a lot in the way of respect for myself. I know what I’m like, after all. I’m not a particularly nice person you see! I’m not nice at all, but then again – who is? Answer me that if you would. Answer me that. The lessons of history are clear however, the lessons of history are always so very clear. We never learn these lessons of course – that’s kind of like a badge of honour for us. We refuse to let reality grind us down. We are too stubborn for that, you see. We just won’t be told. ‘Fuck you, reality!’ we say. That’s our message of defiance, that’s our message of rage and defiance…



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I Performed a Meaningless Act of Social Conformity

It’s great to have friends to pal around with – or so I hear, anyway. So I am told. Lots of things are great, if you were to listen to what folks say. There’s lots of great things, so we are told. So we are given to understand by the Powers That Be…


I performed a meaningless act of social conformity within the Darkened Realm, which is the realm bequeathed to us by our forefathers. There, I said it! I came right out and said it. No one can say I didn’t. No one can say that didn’t contribute. I feel better than ever now and I’m as defiant as hell. ‘There’s no stopping me now!’ I yell out excitedly, cruising on a wave of synthetic endorphins.


‘Here we go lads’, I said, ‘Get a load of this – I have just performed a meaningless act of social conformity!’ I was live streaming you see. Everyone claps, everyone applauds. All the people in my head tell me I’m playing a blinder. It’s an exciting time and we’re all thrilled to be part of it. Here we all are in the Shadow Realm, complying with the regulations to the very limit of our abilities. Worshiping Satan, as you do. That’s got to be a good thing, hasn’t it? That’s got to be a mark in our favour. We’re praising the great and wonderful thing and we’re all loving it. If it’s true then it can’t be a lie.


We’re living in the End Times, you see. We’re living in the End Times and there’s no denying it – the signs are there for all to see and no one can say otherwise. Or can they? ‘Is God real?’ I you ask yourself dubiously, ‘Is God real or is He an invisible friend that I have made up in my head? Is God an AI? Is He or She a Replica?’ It’s important to ask difficult questions like this, of course – or so I am told, at any rate. Or so I am led to believe. Although when it comes down to it I don’t know what to believe. I’m struggling here – I believe one thing one minute and something quite different the next. I try to gloss over the worst of the contradictions of course but it’s not always easy.


First, they created the Dumbhead Universe, and then they made us live in it. First, they created the Nonsense World, and then they told us that they’re going to charge us for the privilege of being in it.  We’ll owe more money than we can ever possibly hope to repay. People on the internet say that the government’s going to put a neural interface in our brains so we can visit the Inner Disneyland any time you please. That’s technology for you, you see – that’s the appliance of science. No one needs to be alone ever again. No one needs to be alone ever again because we all know how frightening that can be. You will have your own very own imaginary AI buddy micro-chipped into you head and you can chat to whenever you feel like it. He will be your invisible friend and you can ask him questions about anything you want. Then you’ll have to put up with all his transparent lies.  ‘Is God real?’ I hear you ask, ‘or is that just another vicious lie put about by the Scientologists?’ They have a lot to answer for you know. It’s often hard to know what to believe in these days. Standards have slipped considerably of late. That’s my opinion anyway. Stuff isn’t what it used to be! Stuff is never what it used to be, not even five minutes ago…


I believe something, and then the next minute I believe completely different. I have a new belief every day. It’s all very suspicious to me – I keep getting the feeling that they are experimenting on me, testing the limits of what is possible. Trying to see how far they can push it. They will even tell you they are. They boast about it. They put secret symbols on the back of your favourite breakfast cereal. That was proved by people on the internet. If it’s not a lie then it has to be true. The anchorman on your favourite news show winks broadly at you to let you that it’s for real this time and not just your paranoia. It’s Buster Friendly and his Friendly Friends and they’re messing with your head. They’re messing with your head big time. Firstly they created the so-called ‘Narrative’ and then they made you central to it – you have tried your whole life to escape this vile, self-incriminatory narrative but you couldn’t. It sticks, you see – it sticks to you like an evil wad of used chewing-gum might stick to your new state-of-the-art Nike trainers and the more you try to scrape the vile stuff off you the more it sticks to you.






Ancient Lies

We flee from the truth because the truth is notoriously unkind. The truth is so unkind, so very unkind. It is no friend to anyone. None of us have any great fondness for the truth, would you not agree? Shall we wail together about the unkindness of the truth, shall we wail out loud and let our brittle voices be carried away by the pitiless wind?


To pass the time I ask myself riddles – “I’m as hot as a hare, as blind as a bat, as dry as a bone, as red as a beet and as mad as a Hatter – what am I?” It is a good riddle – one of the very best – but I already know the answer. I know the answer and therefore I can no longer get any satisfaction from repeating it. Not in the way that you can with a decent riddle that you’ve never heard before. I know them all at this stage, however. I know them all and so the game has become terribly, terribly stale.


We’re not so different, you and I. We’re not so very different at all, not matter what you might think. We’ve both spent our lives fleeing from the truth and although we might have ended up in different places, under different circumstances, it still comes down to the same thing, does it not? It always comes down to the same thing in the end, I’m afraid. Wherever you might run, it always ends up terminating in the same place. Always the same place. And how tediously familiar that place is! How loathsomely familiar! You turn away, repelled and appalled by the bitterness you hear in my voice. You don’t wish to know what I have to say, and I can’t blame you for that. No one can blame you for that…


There is nothing remotely palatable about the message I bear. Nothing convivial – nothing whimsical or light-hearted. I choke on the words as I utter them – they stick in my craw but i have to get them out if I can, one way or another. I have to cough them out, as painful as that might be. We’ve run as far as we can, you and I – we’ve found our way at last to the Grand Impasse that was always waiting for us. There’s no way around it and there’s no way through it. It’s the end of the road. It’s the end of all roads. And where else did you think this path was going to lead you, after all? It’s easy enough to lie to oneself when one is in the flush of youth, and when one has made sure to surround oneself with others equally determined to lie their heads off at every opportunity. We’ve all been there, you see. We’ve all been there…


I look back on those days with great nostalgia, as you might imagine. They were glorious days, wonderful days – days that can never be repeated. I don’t really know what I thought I was doing of course; I always had some kind of ridiculous half-baked notion in my head – nothing that would have ever withstood critical analysis, naturally. It’s easy to lie to oneself when one is young and surrounded by others keen on doing exactly the same as you are, as I have said. When you get to my stage of life you will find that lying doesn’t come quite so easily. I still do it of course, but I have to work at it harder. I have to put the effort in, and I no longer have the energy for that. My voice is cracked, hollow and sepulchral and the lies that issue forth from my mouth are no longer as convincing as they once were. In point of fact, they’re not convincing at all. My mouth is full of dust that I can’t spit out, the dust of ancient lies that have long since lost the glamour that once held me in thrall…



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