The Awareness That You Are ‘The One’

You can never hide from the awareness that you are ‘The One’, can you? Or rather – should I say – it is ridiculously easy to hide from the awareness that you are ‘The One’! Don’t we do it all of the time? Who do you know who doesn’t do it? Nobody, right? Absolutely nobody…


We are in fact stupendously good at hiding from this particular awareness – we’re talking genius level here, at the very least. Maybe even advanced genius level.  Allow me to elucidate – just pick someone, anyone, at random, and study them for a while. Become the ‘Impartial Observer’! You’ll be impressed, I guarantee you. You’ll be more than impressed – you’ll be amazed, you’ll be astounded. It will blow your mind, quite frankly. It will totally blow your mind.


This is a very neat little experiment, now that I come to think about it. It’s very neat indeed. It is elegant in the extreme and – what’s more – no expensive equipment is needed. I am formalizing the protocol as we speak. It goes something like this: Pick anyone you like – pick yourself if you want! – and then observe them for a while. In a non-judgmental way, of course – it’s so crass to judge people for being what they are, wouldn’t you say? It’s so insightless, so unscientific. And we must resolve most seriously never to depart from the scientific method, otherwise we’re no different to any other jackass walking down the street. And this pithy observation brings us right back to the topic under consideration, does it not? Our Research Question may be formulated as follows – How far would YOU go in order to hide from the awareness that you are ‘The One’? The answer obviously being that we would go to whatever lengths are necessary. The question is more or less rhetorical, in other words.


How far would you go, how far would you go? The refrain is running through my brain. How far, how far, how far. Would you go quite far or very far? The protocol is clear – you pick your person and then get cracking with your ‘non-judgmental-observation skills’. You dust them off and put them to use. The old non-judgemental observation skills might be a tad rusty but not to worry – we’re all in the same boat there, I think! Absolutely we are. And then – well – what can I say? You will see what you will see. Do the experiment for yourself and find out for yourself. Since when was it a crime to seek the truth? OK – so that’s a pretty poor attempt at humour – I freely admit it – but I’m trying to lighten the atmosphere here.


“How far would you go, my friend? you ask yourself pointedly, refusing to let yourself off the hook,  ‘just how far would you be willing to go?’ You can’t really ask yourself this question of course – you’d only end up confusing yourself. It’s important not to personalise things, after all. Personalising things isn’t the scientific method. It’s an error to personalize things you see, just as it’s wrong to get caught up in judging everything. That’s not the spiritual approach. You know that only too well yourself, of course. No one knows that better than you. “Don’t personalize your situation,” you tell yourself with great earnestness, “whatever you do don’t personalize what’s happening to you…” We all know what happens when we do that, after all. We all know where that road leads…


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