How Great Would It Be?

How great would everything be if there were nothing to stop it, if there were nothing to stop it from being great? How great would everything be if there were nothing to prevent or restrict or obstruct it from being great? We are of course talking about that shadow which hangs over the whole world, the grim and unsavoury force of oppression that leans down on us all, and keeps us all in our allotted place.


We might think that there is no shadow; we might think that there is no repression and that everything is fine and just as it is supposed to be, and if we did think that then we wouldn’t be alone! We wouldn’t be alone to think that; it’s usual to think that, normal to think that, natural to think that. We all think that.


We all think that – we don’t go around all day long thinking that our reality is restricted in some grotesque or sinister way, after all. No one knows. We just think that things are as they should be and we also think that they are the only way they ever could be. We think that there is no restriction, that there is no oppression. We think that there is no shadow.


This is only to be expected of course. We wouldn’t expect things to be otherwise. This is of course how things are – we could hardly expect them to be otherwise – what kind of restriction announces itself as such? What would be the point of that? What sort of deception draws our attention to the fact that we are being deceived? What sort of a lie comes with a bright shiny sticker saying ‘This is a Lie,’ or ‘Contents: One Lie’? What sort of lie comes with a label which reads: ‘Ingredients: One Big Fat Dirty Lie. To be taken as prescribed by your doctor…’?


This is the very nature of the game, you see. The very nature. The game wouldn’t be right otherwise. The game wouldn’t be the game otherwise. It would be something else – it would simply be part of the Landscape of Truth. The Landscape of Truth – how that phrase resounds! What does the Landscape of Truth look like, you might ask? Who knows? None of us know. I don’t know. I don’t have a clue…


But the game is the game of course – of course the game is the game. The game is always the game. The game is All; the game is the Beginning of it and the End of it. The game is the beginning and the end of our experience and all the bits in between. We are required to pray to the game, to thank it for what it provides. Unworthy though we are to receive it. Unworthy, unworthy – always unworthy. Wretchedly unworthy.


The game is the game and that’s all there is to it. The game is great and we have to praise it, we have to be grateful to it. Praise be to the game, praise be to the game. Only we don’t call it that of course. We don’t call it by its name. We don’t know anything about the game. We don’t know anything about the game and that is the game!


How great would it be if things were allowed to be as great as they would be? How great would things be if there was nothing stopping them from being great? How great would that be? Who can tell? Who can know? Who can say? These are the questions we never ask, you see. These are the questions we don’t know to ask, the questions we aren’t able to ask! These are the questions that don’t ever get asked. How would we ever know to ask them?







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