First they make a world out of their damn so-called ‘products’ and then they trick us into living in it! Can you believe that such shit is even possible? It sounds too surreal to be true, too ludicrous to be taken seriously. Maybe that’s their trick, though – maybe that’s how they pull it off? Maybe that’s how they are able to do it, and not only do they do it but they get away with it too. We mustn’t forget that! Not only do they do it but they get away with it as well, and so now that’s the only world there is – the filthy old Product World. The Garbage World, the Joke World…
I was driving beautifully. As soon as I thought of a place I drove there – it was as if I was in a dream or some refined and exalted state of consciousness. First I thought of a place and then I drove there. I wasn’t driving in my car though – I was driving in my Dream Body. Wherever I thought of I went and wherever I went I was driving so beautifully. Not on the ground on roads but in the air, travelling serenely above the world. Travelling so effortlessly. There were no obstacles, there was nothing that could stop me, nothing to stand in my way. From time to time I would feel strange and wonder about what I was doing but then I’d get back into the groove again and resume my driving. Time doesn’t exist for me when I am travelling in my Dream Body; restrictions don’t exist for me.
It’s so very cool when cool things happen, I thought to myself. So very cool, so incredibly cool. Who would believe it? Not that anything cool ever happens to me, mind you. That’s not what I’m saying here. That’s what not what I’m saying here at all. How is it possible that some egos have lots of mojo whilst others don’t? I wondered. How is that possible? Why is it that some egos never have any mojo and are unable therefore to obtain a high ‘Kudos Score’ or indeed any kudos at all? Why is it that some egos have to go around the place grey and flat and listless and never really make any contribution to the world or have anything to say? These egos have to live with the curse of negative kudos and everyone looks down on them. Everyone sneers at them. What enables one ego to obtain a high Kudos Score and get on well in the world when other egos never enjoy this validation and are forever downtrodden?
‘Cool things are very cool,’ I thought to myself. ‘Cool things are super-cool and that is such a cool thing!’ I was drinking alcohol-free beer in my favourite bar, the Kudos Bar in the Clarion Hotel. Sitting at my favourite table having the craic with all the people coming in, enjoying life to the full. Having a bit of good old banter with the other guys there. As we fellas do. A bit of the old banter, the way you do. The way you do. Relaxed and at ease, enjoying my beer, enjoying my Bud Light. Life is good, it occurred to me. Lots of very cool things were happening. And there was me sitting at my favourite table in my all-time favourite bar enjoying the craic. You couldn’t beat it.
Only the Kudos Bar isn’t real of course. There’s nothing real about it at all. It was a Third Bardo hallucination that I was unable to recognise as such. It was a Third Bardot projection that I believed to be an actual reality. It was a thought-form that had hypnotised my consciousness. The Kudos Bar – what I took to be the Kudos Bar – was just my own confused mind, only I didn’t know it. It was just my own mixed-up confusion and I wasn’t able to realise it because I was too stuck. The time had come for me to move on but I couldn’t…
‘Move on, move on,’ the voices were telling me. ‘Recognise the Third Bardo hallucinations for what they are – projections of your own mind. Let go of your attachment to these illusory thought-forms.’ I wasn’t able to, though. I didn’t want to hear what the voices were telling me. I just did my best to blank them out. I wanted to pretend it wasn’t happening. I understood what the voices were saying alright but I just didn’t want to know. I was too frightened to take it on. I was pretending as hard as I could that it was just wasn’t true. That’s pretty much what I’ve been doing my whole life after all and so it comes quite naturally to me. It comes quite naturally to me to do what I’ve been doing my whole life.