We are all told what to believe of course and – obediently enough, with a surfeit of obedience – we hurry to swallow whatever wretched lies it is that we have been told. We can’t believe the lies quickly enough. We burst ourselves in the never-ending frantic struggle to be the best believer. ‘Are we believing in what we’re supposed to be believing in well enough?’ we ask, ‘is there anything else that we can do to believe better?’ And then, after a moment’s reflection, we ask, ‘Should we punish those who amongst us do not believe enough? Should we visit your frightening wrath upon them, so that they shall know that they have sinned?’
We love the Demiurge you see. We love him so very much. He is the Great Abuser and we relish his relentless abuse. We cherish his senseless cruelty. We adore him because of his senseless abuse, because of his unfathomable and abiding cruelty. ‘Tell us what to think, O You Most Splendid Demiurge’, we cry out, ‘instruct us as to what our opinions should be. Instruct us on what our attitudes should be…’ The Demiurge doesn’t need to be asked twice of course – he’s as keen as mustard, he’s ferociously keen. He is keen just as a hungry stoat or weasel is keen to terrify, catch and devour a poor helpless rabbit that has wandered carelessly into its path. We are the rabbits to His weasel.
We pray to the Demiurge to tell us how best we can enact His Will and we compete viciously with each other for those very special Brownie Points. Those good old Brownie Points are always on our mind. It’s dog eat dog, you see. Dog eat dog is the name of the game. Dog eat dog is always the name of the game. We’re so hungry for approval – so desperately hungry – that we’ll do anything. There are no limits to what we will do. We’re desperate for approval from the Demiurge even though it is a well-known fact that He despises us with every fibre of His being. He hates us – his poor creatures – more than anything else in the whole wide world. He hates us more than He hates himself, even. His malice is more than merely palpable, his malice is legendary. His malice is the alpha and the omega of this unhappy world…
It’s a perfect setup, for this very reason. It is a work of art – it simply can’t fail. Our reward in heaven will be meted out in accordance with the degree of our conformity in this earthly life, as is well known. Our craven conformity to our hideous corrupted master will never go unrewarded, you can be sure of that! Never, never, never… No indeed – that’s one thing we shall always be rewarded for. Great shall be our rejoicing on that day, great shall be our glory. Great shall be the extraordinary benefits that shall be bestowed upon us. The Great Liar Himself has told us so. The Arch-Deceiver Himself has given us his word….
Image – rare-gallery.com