Predator World

The way of evil, the way of horror – the strong devouring the weak, the clever swindling the foolish. All that kind of stuff. Fluent, sophisticated liars duping their unsuspecting brethren. Heartlessly swindling them out of everything they own and then laughing about it. Predators roaming the streets. Parasites delighting in the interminable misery of their long-suffering hosts.


That’s just the way the cookie crumbles, though. That’s the way the world works and so we just have to get on with it. This is the situation we have inherited as a result of our own actions, our own complicity. It’s an evil path that we have gone down and I suspect you know that perfectly well yourself. It’s a Predatorial World we live in and every single thing in it is out to get you. Even the furniture in your living room is eyeing you up with a view to making a sneaky move on you later on when you start to doze off. You can’t afford to do too much dozing in the Predatorial Universe, obviously. You can’t afford to be too casual when it comes to getting a bit of shuteye.


People get bugs in their head that infect them and make them start believing in the most atrocious nonsense. Isn’t that the way it is? Then they’ll do stupid stuff because they think they’re so smart. They weren’t playing it smart you see, they weren’t being careful about the content they were browsing on and we all know what happens then. We all know what can happen then – there are some very nasty little bugs out there just waiting to jump into your head and take control of your perennially befuddled brain. Making you into some kind of laughingstock, turning you into some kind of blathering gesticulating jackass.


It’s a very dangerous world out there and there is absolutely no point in pretending otherwise. OK, I know that for the most part everything seems perfectly fine and there are no problems anywhere and everything seems totally normal but that’s just the surface-level appearance of things. That’s just a frighteningly thin veneer. It’s like that thing where things always seem perfectly OK until, all of a sudden, they don’t. You’re running around thinking that everything is fine, that everything’s cool, that there’s no problem, until it dawns on you that things aren’t fine at all. All of a sudden it comes to you that things aren’t in the least bit OK but you just assumed that they were. You assumed that stuff was OK but it was sheer force of habit making you think this, making you so ridiculously relaxed when you shouldn’t have been, when you really, really, really shouldn’t have been.


That’s called ‘skating away on the very thin ice of your own ridiculous misconceptions’, isn’t it? That’s what they call it. Something like that, anyway. We skate for all we are worth, we skate as if there were no tomorrow – skating, skating, skating – but this isn’t the carefree affair that the casual observer may so easily take it to be. There’s a hidden tension there, you see. Something waiting to happen. There is a hidden tension that is just about to give and when it does give it’s going to be the biggest shock in your life. It’ll be the biggest shock by far. The biggest shock by a long way. You won’t see it coming at all. You won’t believe it but you’ll have to believe it because it will actually be happening. Damn right it will actually be happening! So don’t say I didn’t warn you…




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