You Were The Not-You

You were the not-you and all was well in the world. You were the not-you then everything went wrong. Running helter skelter through the thick undergrowth. Dimly, in-between crashing waves of dull confusion, I remember that I have forgotten. Then that fleeting memory too leaves me, like an alien that has no place on this planet. Hazy sunlight filtering through the forest canopy. The sound of insects in the undergrowth. Memories filtering through the thick fog of junk mail. Toxic self-help gurus and their YouTube tutorials. They attach themselves to you like lampreys their circular jaws burrowing deep into your flesh. You can’t shake them off – you’re festooned with them and they’re sucking the life out of you. I am lost and forgotten and the reason for this is that I have forgotten myself. No messages come my way anymore, only junk mail. Understand how consciousness creates your world and how to lead your best life. No more memories – there had been plenty once. Urgent if incomprehensible reminders. Too dense to understand, they nevertheless left an impression. Information unpacking at high speed, spiralling outwards from its source. Information everywhere. Now there’s nothing but junk mail – junk messages for a junk self. Sign up for my upcoming webinar – what is infinity? Learn this powerful new meditation technique. You were the not-you, then it all went wrong. Understand how consciousness creates your world and how to lead your best life. How to attract abundance. You were the not-you but now you are the helpless target of every vicious self-help guru in town. How to eliminate negative habits from your life. The ten habits of highly effective psychic parasites. How to attract abundance. You were the not-you and then it all went wrong. How did I lose myself so very thoroughly, I wonder? In this endlessly multiplying garbage that the aliens tell me is my life. Only there aren’t any aliens on the planet – they have all been driven out. We can’t remember them anymore. You lead someone else’s life but then it starts to worry you and you can’t free yourself from it. It sticks to you like tar. It starts to get a grip on you; it starts to suck the very marrow out of your bones with a horrible hollow sucking sound. You have lead all of these lives but none of them are you – or rather all of them are you and that’s why you can’t escape. You’re swimming in a sea of garbage – garbage messages for the garbage self. You were the not-you and all was well with the world – now it’s all trials and tribulations and the interminable meaningless misery of identification and you’re the helpless victim of every vicious self-help guru in town…





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