

“Hey man,” I thought to myself, “What is this shit?” This shit was trippy. This shit wasn’t just trippy I realized then, this shit was taking trippy to a whole new level. It wasn’t just me that was tripping out here everything else was tripping out too. Tripping out good and proper. Tripping balls. The floor was tripping the carpet was tripping the chairs were tripping and the table was tripping away too. Even the air was tripping – the air was tripping balls, it was tripping right out. Just like everything else was. It was all tripping man, it was all tripping right out like you wouldn’t believe. It was all a trip and there was nothing that wasn’t the trip. Not tripping didn’t exist anymore not tripping didn’t have any meaning any more I couldn’t even conceive of it. My trainers were tripping my socks were tripping my jeans were tripping the hell out of it I could hardly follow what they were doing. I could see my arms swinging by my sides as I tried to walk across the room but it was like I had a hundred of them not just the two. My arms were tripping right out I couldn’t even keep track of them they were so many of them. “Hey man, I thought to myself, “what is this shit?” The thoughts came out all slowed down and weird like they didn’t even belong to me they came out like weird cartoon bubbles tripping out all over the place. It wasn’t just me that was tripping out here, everything else was tripping out too. Tripping out good and proper. Tripping balls. The floor was tripping the carpet was tripping the chairs were tripping and the table was tripping away too. Even the air was tripping – the air was tripping balls, it was tripping right out. Just like everything else was. It was all tripping man, it was all tripping right out like you wouldn’t believe. It was all a trip and there was nothing that wasn’t the trip. My trainers were tripping my socks were tripping my jeans were tripping the hell out of it I could hardly follow what they were doing. I could see my arms swinging by my sides as I tried to walk across the room but it was like I had a hundred of them not just two. My arms were tripping right out I couldn’t even keep track of them they were so many of them. “Hey man, I thought to myself, “What is this shit?” The thoughts came out all slowed down and weird like they didn’t even belong to me…





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