My lips were speaking the true words of truth, the wonderfully true words of pure undisputed veracity. My lips were speaking magnificent words of impeccable righteousness, only it was all lies of course. It was all terrible, terrible lies. Filthy lies. Scurrilous lies. The most awful lies ever…
People often tell me that I am a loathsome corporate tool – they say that I am a craven wage-slave and nothing more. A creep in a suit. That’s where they’re wrong, however. That’s where they’re wrong. I can bide my time however – if there’s one thing that I’m good at it’s biding my time! I’m in my element then, you see. When it comes to biding my time I really am in my element. That’s all I ever do, after all. That just happens to be my Forte…
I’m so good at biding my time that I don’t even know I’m doing it – I think I’m doing something completely different. I think that I’m doing something else, like cutting the lawn with a pair of nail scissors or grating tiny crumbs of cheese with a microscopic cheese grater under a scanning electron microscope. Or whatever else. Or whatever else it might be. Whilst actually – if the truth were to be known – I’m biding my time. I’m playing the long game, I’m playing the waiting game like a pro and I don’t even know what I’m waiting for.
There’s nothing as stupid as human beings, is there? I don’t think that there’s anyone ever going to try to argue about that! By God they’ll be no arguing about that. Not with a track record like we’ve got. What the hell do we think we’re playing at, huh? Just what the hell do we think we’re doing? You’d wonder, wouldn’t you? You’d wonder for sure…
Your words are true and vibrant – they burst forth from you without your permission, and before you know it you have become famous, you have become a hero. You became a hero and you became a fool. You were top of your class, you were a whizz-kid and no mistake, but it was all for nothing in the end. A flash in the pan and nothing more. Now you wonder why you had bothered. You were taken in by all the lies.
Your words are tremendous, your words are great. Your words are both wise and perspicacious, and none shall dispute them. None shall ever dispute them. You rise to your feet, proud to have the chance to speak of many important things, proud to have the opportunity to speak words of seminal significance, words of undisputed substance and merit.
They said you were a liar and a cheat, of course. They accused you of plagiarism. They dragged your name through the mud. The police were called to move you on, and they charged you with obstructing a public thoroughfare. You had been debunked – denounced as a fraud and a charlatan. Your life work was exposed as a pitiful shambles of incoherent laughable nonsense. The absurd ranting of an utter scoundrel and nothing more. The ravings of a sick mind…
You endure all this as you must, however. You endure it because there is nothing else you can do. You are biding your time, of course. You’re lying low, waiting patiently for a more favourable age…
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