Do you know that thing where you’re in the Trash World and the sad truth of the matter is that you’re absolutely loving it? You’re loving it so very much – you’re eating all the trash food, talking all the trash talk, listening to all the trash talk, dreaming all those good old trash dreams and everything is just so wonderfully trashy that you can’t help having a good time. Why wouldn’t you, after all? Why wouldn’t you be having a great, great time? Everyone else is and so are you – you’re roaring and shouting and yelling and blowing shit with the best of them. You’re blowing shit all day long.
You know the thing I’m talking about, I know that you do. Don’t deny it, please! You know it very well indeed – you know that thing for sure and why wouldn’t you? You know that old ‘living in the Trash World thing’ and you can’t get enough of it. You’re loving it. Your appetite for trash is endless, the same as us all. The same as us all. Good times, my friends – good, good times. I can feel a single tear sneaking its sneaky way out of the corner of my right eye, which is my emotional eye. I’d like to deny it, but I can’t. It’s the truth, the emotion is real my friends, the emotion is very real and so I have to own up to it. I’m human the same as you and I’ve got feelings, plenty of them. They’re not authentic feelings it’s true, but we won’t worry unduly about that! Those good, good times are so very good, aren’t they? Only they’re not, of course – they’re not at all. We all know they’re not…
We are addicted to trash spirituality at the end of the day. You and me both, buddy – you and me both. That’s what it all comes down to. Trash spirituality in the Trash World. Gratitude diaries and stuff like that. Self-affirmations. Incredibly wise sayings that will change your life forever. Transformational quotes. That’s what you’re after when it comes down to it. That’s what we’re all after – we’re hankering for that good old trash spirituality. It’s hard to beat of course, it’s very hard to beat. None of us can get enough of it. That’s what it’s like when you’re in the Garbage World and you’re letting loose, that’s what it’s like when you’re letting loose like there’s no tomorrow. You’re addicted to that dirty filthy old trash spirituality and you just don’t care! So don’t hold back – please don’t hold back. Give it your all, shout out your unbridled stupidity to the world. Everyone else does after all, so you won’t be on your own! No way will you be on your own so you don’t have to worry about that. You don’t have to worry about anyone having a laugh at your expense because they’ll on your side. They’ll be rooting for you, they’ll be identifying with your predicament. You bet they will…
I feel like apologizing at this point. I should apologize at this point. I’m a prisoner of my own horrendous nonstop bullshit when it comes right down to it. That’s the long and the short of it, I’m afraid. I’m coming clean about it – the bullshit keeps bursting out of me. That’s the way it is. I might for example start telling everyone that everything’s great and that life couldn’t be better and that I’m having a good time but that’s bullshit for a start. I might tell you that I’m a well-adjusted member of society and that I know what I’m doing and that my life is meaningful to me but there you are again, you see. More bullshit. We can never get away from it, can we? By Jingo we can’t. ‘But suppose I don’t love the Garbage World as much as I ought to?’ you ask then, in a sudden fit of utter terror, ‘Suppose I don’t praise it as much as I should do and someone notices? What then?’ You’re afraid of course and I don’t blame you…
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