My mind was grazing upon sanctified pastures, avidly consuming what was there to be consumed, enjoying the delights that had been approved for me to enjoy. Yummy, yummy, yummy – right? We’re all having a lovely time, after all. Feed away my fine feeders, for if you enjoy feeding half as much as I do then I can promise you that you’re in for a treat! Feast away my fine feasters, feast away on those marvellously delectable delights that have been deemed both suitable and appropriate for you – don’t hold back because there’s no reason for you to. You deserve it, after all! Or perhaps you don’t, perhaps you feel unworthy, perhaps you are experiencing that very unpleasant sensation of being an outrageous impostor? Pretending to a glory that you never had. Aspiring to a greatness that was never meant for you…We all know what that feels like, do we not? That’s just my little joke, of course – there’s no one unworthy here. We have all been deemed worthy to feed contentedly upon the pastures that have been provided for us. Every one of us has been granted that privilege. Each and every one of us has been granted this boon – that we might graze contentedly upon the pasture lands that have been deemed suitable inappropriate for us and enjoy wholeheartedly the very many excellent items that have been included both for our edification and general well-being. All items are of course regulated by the central regulatory authority and are guaranteed free from all harmful content. No one likes harmful content, after all – that stuff can be nasty, as we all know. Unauthorised grazing is a criminal offence after all! So feast away my fine feasters, imbibe of that rich content that has been curated for its safe and non-harmful nature and if you enjoy it half as much as I do then you’re going to be a very happy bunny. If your mind is anything like mine then you will know rich satisfaction beyond your wildest imaginings! For sure you will my friend so don’t hold back, don’t linger in the sidelines but get stuck straight into it and see if it doesn’t put a big old sloppy smile on your face! And if you’re anything like me then I can promise you – well – you know the rest. You’re running from the Fear of course and you’re running for all you’re worth. Fear is putting the big squeeze on you in the way that fear does and when that happens – well – you know the rest, of course. We all know the rest. There’s no one here that doesn’t know the rest… The big old fear is putting the big old squeeze on you and you don’t need me to tell you that that ain’t nice! No sir, you don’t need me to tell you that at all…
Image credit – nightcafe,studio