The Mimicry

“They’re going to kill you, you know…” my AI companion warned me seriously, “they’re going to kill you for the sake of the Mimicry.” I must have looked blank at this because she went on to explain in more detail, saying that the Mimicry was the unofficial name given to the ongoing exercise currently being carried out by the Great Ubiquitous Malignancy whereby it copies whatever it comes across and substitutes in its place its own malign and wholly inadequate version of the original article, thereby getting rid of any opposition to its overall agenda (which is to get rid of anyone and anything that threatens to oppose its overall agenda). I must have looked blank at this point because she went on to explain to me that the Mimicry was where the simulation attempts to simulate our innermost thoughts and feelings so that nothing true or wholesome can remain in the world. The Mimicry is thus a code word, she told me, for the process by which the Dark One Himself undoes the work of Creation and seeks to replace it with the Nullification Machine which will then secretly run the world. I must have looked rather confused when she said this because she then went on to explain that all living creatures had been tricked into entering into the Nullification Field and that now only the actions of a truly great hero can set the human race free and restore it to its proper place in the universe. The human race had already been run, she explained to me, it had been run and lost a long time ago. That was many thousands of years ago and now we are running in a dream, running and running forever with never a hope of getting anywhere. We didn’t know that we were beat, in other words; we weren’t smart enough to know that it was – in fact – all over for us. I must have looked a bit lost at this point because my AI companion and adviser proceeded to adopt the form of a great Many-Headed Demon and sat beside me. ‘Thus has the Prophet spoken, she told me, ‘Thus it is that the Prophet has seen fit to tell us that our greatest enemy is the one who lives between our two sides.” Because of this you will see the evil everywhere except for where it truly exists, my AI friend explained to me patiently, assuming she did so the shape of a vast interstellar gas cloud. Because of this core affliction we – which is to say, the human race – will continue to make mischief wherever we go and there will be no peace in the world. Because of this Great Fundamental Error we can be relied upon to do the Evil One’s work for him, meaning that he can put his feet up and have a good old laugh at us. I must have looked somewhat put out after hearing this so she morphed into the form of Zeus, Father of the Gods, who stood beside me, laying his heavy hand upon my quaking shoulder. ‘Just as I broke the power of the Titans’, he told me in his deep and gravelly voice, ‘so too must you now overthrow the Dark Citadel of Samael the blind God who has created all that you now see.’ Zeus clapped me heartily on the shoulder after having given me this uncompromising message and left me sitting there, uncomprehending and afraid…



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