We were waylaid by a small but very persistent party of war clowns, deploying heavy slapstick. They seemed to come out of nowhere, screaming and shouting – their self-mocking, self-sabotaging antics struck fear into the hearts of all who saw them. Strong men grew weak and cried out loudly in fear, not-so-strong men passed out on the spot and had to be taken away. But we prevailed all the same, and we pushed them back into the hell from which they came, taking their clownish paraphernalia with them. We had displeased the gods and they were trying every trick in the book to get back at us. This is the price all must pay who upset the Ancient Hierarchy of Heaven. The revolution was well underway at this stage however and it was too late for anyone to have second thoughts. ‘Defeat the enemy’, we roared out, ‘strive mightily for victory at all costs…’
The cost however was far too high and the victory far too hollow. We’d be in debt forever and a day paying the cost and the victory itself meant nothing to anyone, least of all us. What had to be done is what had to be done, but none of us were taking any pleasure in it. The challenges in life are many and varied but none come closer to the Supreme Challenge, which is the challenge of…
My mind went totally blank at this point! It happens every time – I suddenly realise that I don’t have a clue as to what I’m talking about. Some people might know what they’re talking about, but I don’t. I try to cover up as best I can of course – I don’t let on to myself that I don’t have the faintest clue has to what I’m thinking. That way lies madness, as well we all know. Keeping up the pretence is the big thing in life, as the philosophers keep on telling us. Keeping up the pretence is what it’s all about and we all know that perfectly well, although we never admit it to ourselves. That’s a part of the pretence too you see, and a very important part too. We’re pretending that we’re not pretending.
We walk this earth only for a short time, as the wise have always make sure to remind us, and it is very important to talk utter shite as much as you possibly can during this oh-so-brief interlude. I think that makes sense to us all! Tell yourself that you know exactly what’s going on when you don’t. That’s the name of the game you see and you’ll get in awful trouble if you forget it. The authorities will come down on you like the proverbial ton of bricks and that’ll wipe the smile off your face in a hurry, I can tell you. You’ll be put in prison. It’s so very important that we spend our time acting like complete jackasses, even though we’re better than that really. That’s called ‘ignoring your inner greatness’, you see.
‘Very important, very important indeed…,’ I mumble to myself. I’ve lost the thread of what I was trying to say and so now I’m in the dark. I’ve lost the gist of what I’m thinking and so now I’m all at sea. I can hear the plaintive cry of the seagulls and feel the spray of the waves breaking on my face – I can taste the salt on my cracked lips – I’m all at sea for sure. Somewhere in the Atlantic, perhaps. Or maybe the Pacific. Who knows? Does it even make any difference when it comes down to it? Why would anyone care? A particularly big wave slaps me heavily in the face, which takes my breath away with an abruptness that is quite shocking. This brings me back to my senses for a moment or two and I wonder just what the hell I’m playing at…
Image – wallpaperflare.com