The Sorrowscape of the Present Age

There is nothing more evil then the Evil World that has been created for us to suffer and despair in. They never could be anything more evil than this world and deep down I think we all know it. However dumb we might like to act, I think we all realise what we’ve done. It’s a sobering thought of course – that’s always a sobering thought. It’s got to be really, hasn’t it? It could hardly be otherwise…


If the Evil World didn’t exist then we’d have to invent it, right? We’d have to invent it straight away – double quick, extra quick. We’d want it to be done yesterday. That’s just the way we are built of course. We can hardly be blamed for that! No indeed – we can’t help being the way that we are. We are only acting out of our own proclivities, in complete innocence, and that’s rather a funny thought to have, isn’t it? There is always more to a situation than there seems to be at first, and it’s just as well to try to remember that. We can’t help ourselves – we simply can’t help ourselves. We’ve been given the wrong information – we were told that everything was going to be fine if only we just did what we were told.


‘Please don’t blame us for the way we are’ – that’s what I’m trying to say, I guess. It’s so easy to blame, so very convenient, but I’d like for you to pause – if you can – to consider our plight, our terrible and unfortunate plight. There’s nothing more evil than the Evil World which we ourselves have created – we fashioned it with our own hands because we didn’t know what we were doing. We thought it seemed like a good idea at the time. We are only following orders, after all. Only following orders. We just trying to do the right thing. We were marching to the beat of drums that only the doomed can hear, and we’re all doomed here, are we not? We put a brave face on it, for the most part, and we distract ourselves with our absurdly trivial games. We struggle heroically to believe what we’re supposed to believe; we try our damnedest to ignore the Dark Side of Disneyland and sometimes – every now and again – we might even succeed… The invitation stands – play away, my friends, play away. Lose the good sense that you had in the fairground of modern life, if you can!


We do our best, do we not? We do our level best to enter into the spirit of things. We don’t want to be left behind after all, we don’t want to miss the bus. In your dreams you always succeed and that’s why it’s so good to dream.  So very good. You do your best to enter into the spirit of things – you’re hitting all the right notes, you’re saying all the right things. You’re hitting the nail on the head. Happy days my friends – happy, happy days. Hitting all the right notes as you sing your happy song. You have entered the Dream Vehicle and you’re heading off to your Dream Destination, you’re heading off to the Land of Dreams. Sing your happy song, my friend – sing it out as loudly as you can. You’re going to your happy place and all will be well just as soon as you get there! You want to believe as much as the next guy does – you want to be a believer. We all want to be believers, and can you blame us for that? We want to believe in the happy things but that doesn’t mean we’re bad people…


That was back at the Beginning of All Things. That was back in the Dawn Age, if you can remember that back that far. And none of us can, not really. The Collective Memory of Humankind is not what it was – everything has clouded over, everything has become silted up and murky with the passage of time. The Dreamscape has been replaced with the Sorrowscape of the Present Age; We’d lament if we could but we are far too busy obsessing over the trivial details, we’re far too busy getting excited by nonsense. ‘Come across any good nonsense, recently?’ you ask eagerly, but the people on the street just push rudely past you. It’s starting to rain and the skies are heavy with unacknowledged pain. No one wants to know, everyone has somewhere they need to get to in a hurry, but they are – at the same time, as you can plainly see – afflicted by the Secret Knowledge that they will be no better off when they get there.


That’s modern life, though. That’s modern living and we must all try to celebrate it as best we can. It’s all nonsense but we have to pretend that it makes sense. We have to enter the spirit of the thing and not let the side down. We have to keep thinking all those positive thoughts. There is nothing more evil than the Evil World that we have created for ourselves and that’s a fact. That’s a fact that no one can dispute! That’s the plain and honest truth. We all know it, you see – we all know it very well. That’s the Secret Knowledge that lies buried deep in our hearts; that’s the sorrowful burden that we are all afflicted with. It’s hard making our way through life with a burden like this, isn’t it? It’s certainly not easy. Secret knowledge isn’t secret for nothing, you know. It’s secret for a reason. People can get in terrible trouble the referencing this Secret Knowledge, of course. Your friends won’t like you for that – they will shun you at every opportunity. Specialists will be called. All other roads are closed to us now, you see; all other roads are barred and so we have no choice but to see this thing through. We have no choice other than to see things through to their conclusion and that’s not going to be much fun for anyone…








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