The Final Fractured Moments Of The Dream

‘Long have the Lords of Evil presided over this earth’, I began portentously, but no one was listening. No one ever listens, it occurred to me. No one ever listens…



We dream as best we can, we dream to the very best of our combined abilities, but despite all our efforts reality continues to seep in. It drips stealthily from the ceiling and collects drop by drop in an old bucket. The truth has become our most terrible enemy and lies our reliable friend, our only friend in fact. Bravely we dream, doing what we can to stem the evil tide. Stemming the evil tide is what it’s all about, after all. We are stretched thin, dispersed widely in space and time, and there is no one left to write our epitaph. There’s no one left to care either, in these – the final fractured moments of the dream. Even we don’t care. Especially we don’t care.



Great power was given to us and along with this great power great responsibility. Summoning our very considerable resources, we rose to the occasion and created the Joke Universe and tricked everyone into taking it seriously. ‘Take the joke universe seriously’, we said, and everyone did. It was as easy as that. No one expected us to lie after all; the capacity wasn’t there to discern the deception. Neither was there the will.



We created the disgusting Garbage World you see, we created the Continuum of Pestilential Nonsense and we saw that it was good. From that point on we never looked back. ‘Never look back!’ became our motto, along with ‘Believe in the odious revolting Garbage Universe and you won’t go far wrong!’ It seemed like a good idea at the time you see and so we didn’t see the point in questioning it. Anyone who did question the Joke Universe was mocked and belittled – such has always been our way, after all. Such has always been our way. The question was never ‘Should we believe in the Rubbish World?’ but ‘Please tell us more about this Filthy Odious Rubbish World, this Sordid Unholy Dimension of Satanic Effluence, so that we may strive to believe in it all the better…’



People accuse me of overstating the matter, of course. They shake their heads sadly and say that I am over-egging the cake with the associated risk of creating a large flavourless omelette. They say that I am unfortunately prone to exaggeration, but the truth of the matter is that I’ve gone to great pains to tone down my message. How ironic this is! How very ironic… I know how extraordinarily limited our minds are, how feeble and ill-prepared for taking on new information we are. We need to be coaxed and cajoled every inch of the way, and even then we are liable to turn around and bolt. We bolt for the safety and comfort of our sordidly cheap and tacky lies, and God Himself cannot talk us out of it.



The truth is always far worse than we imagine it to be you see. The truth is far, far worse than we are even capable of imagining it to be and that is precisely why we seek refuge in the Joke Universe. That is why we fervently and obsessively worship the obnoxiously transparent lies that are told to us on a daily basis by the Great Lying Machine. What choice do we have, after all? What else would we do? How else would we spend the time that has been given to us?






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