I was trying to convince myself that my life was rich and meaningful even though I knew full well that it wasn’t. I don’t know if you’ve ever found yourself in that situation? If so then you know how it goes. If so then you know what I mean. You’re locked into the lie and that’s how it is for most of us, of course. Locked into the bloody old lie that we can’t admit to be a lie. It’s all good, you tell yourself bravely, it’s all good stuff. Keep at it, you tell yourself. Keep at it because it’ll get you somewhere in the end. It will all pay off one day, you’ll see. Never doubt it.
There’s nothing more appallingly impoverished than the bloody old mass mind, is there? Indeed there isn’t, indeed there isn’t. Nothing more impoverished. It’s no wonder we’re all so keen to throw ourselves into the thick of it, to see what’s going down, to see what’s happening. What’s going down we ask. What’s happening in the jolly old mass mind? Some good stuff, no doubt. Some good, good stuff. There’s lots there for everyone and so there’s no need to push and shove, no need to trample each other to death. There’s some good shit going down into the depraved depths of the mass mind, as you might expect. Never anything but the best. The finest of the fine. There’s a sale on in the Bargain Basement of the Mass Mind and you wouldn’t want to miss out on it. You’ll be kicking yourself if you do…
Deep down in the depraved depths of the mass mind – that has a bit of a ring to it, doesn’t it? Definitely a bit of a ring to it. Down here in the sacred core of the Rubbish World where nothing is worth a damn. Existence is cheap here – cheap and nasty. Existence couldn’t be cheaper down here in the bargain basement. The rubbish looks good down here; it never looked better. You’re in a dream and you’re sifting through the garbage in a trance and I’m here to tell you that it doesn’t get any better than that! It just doesn’t. Things have never been better and also – they’ve never been worse. The more you laugh the funnier it gets only it’s not funny at all really, is it? You are a frighteningly sad caricature of who you ought to be and your life is a hideous travesty…
The jolly old mass mind, right? It’s a barrel of laughs for sure – it never says anything that’s true, it never says anything that’s original, it never says anything that’s of any interest at all, but that’s the mass mind for you! It’s crass and it’s creepy and that’s why we love it so much. That’s why we’ve got such good time for it. That’s a funny one of course, that’s always a funny one. There’s nothing as dire as the old mass mind and yet we love it so much. What’s that all about, huh? The Garbage World is a vilest, foulest thing there could ever be and yet we never stop celebrating it. We never stop telling each other how great it is. We never stop talking about how great and fantastic the Garbage World is. What’s that all about, huh? What’s that all about? The stench would knock you out down here but we’re walking on air…
We’re worshipping at the altar you see – we’re worshipping at that old, old altar. You bet we are. We’re Locked into the Lie and so we don’t have any choice of course. We never did have any choice. Not for a moment did we ever have any choice. We started and so now we have to finish – that’s how it goes in the Garbage World. We made a big, big mistake but we can never admit to it. We can’t get our heads around it. This is a mistake we simply can’t own up to – no way can we ever own up to it. It’s called ‘Embracing The Trash World’. It’s called ‘Worshipping the Wrong Thing’. It’s called ‘Making a Mistake’. It’s called ‘Making a Mistake That We Can No Longer Question’. It’s called ‘Being Locked into the Lie’.