The Official-Sounding Theocracy

There is comfort in a thought so they say, although that does depend – admittedly – upon the thought in question. It depends – to a certain extent – upon the thought in question. But not entirely, however. Not entirely, because there is comfort in any thought simply by virtue of the fact that it is a thought. It is a thought and we have thought it and there’s comfort in that, come what may. To be thinking is a comforting thing you see and so you’re always better off thinking. Much better off. You’ll thank yourself later. Experts recommend it, after all. Experts always recommend it. Research shows that research shows a lot of stuff, so that’s nice and clear. No space for confusion there, although if confusion is your thing work away by, all means! Work away lads, work away. Dig in there – don’t stand on ceremony! Scientists have discovered that scientists have discovered lots of stuff and there’s comfort in that for sure. We can all rest easy in our beds at night knowing that and if we can’t then that’s our own fault. Who else would we blame, after all? Experts have shown that experts have shown that. Experts have shown that what experts show is always true and so we can all be happy about that. That’s official so let’s not waste any time griping and complaining and saying that it’s all just a fix. There is both comfort and satisfaction in a thought so go right ahead and think one. ‘What thought should I think?’ says you. ‘Any thought you want,’ says I. Who’s counting after all? One’s as good as another and at the end of the day – it all comes down to the very same thing. Some folks like to think about one type of a thing whilst others put their money on another but we’re not going to argue over that! I for one am not going to waste my time quibbling. Why the hell would I care, anyway? Folks can just go right ahead and think whatever the hell they want to think as far as I’m concerned. That’s the Great Benediction that the Supreme Official-Sounding Theocracy has bestowed upon us – the unexcelled freedom to go ahead and think whatever nonsense we want to think. And good luck to us with that. We’ll get far of course. We’ll do great things. Each to their own as they say and that’s about the size of it. Go ahead and think whatever you want because who gives a damn? I certainly don’t. Knock yourselves out. Take a running jump and see who gives a damn. The Supreme Benediction is very supreme, isn’t it? There is no denying that. Experts have shown that it is, after all. Experts always show that it is…








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