Out of the rich creamy euphoria – and I’m talking about the genuine Primo quality stuff here, which we in the trade called ‘the Cream of the Cream’ – anyone at all, irrespective of their personal skills or talents – can create a compelling and completely satisfying fantasy life. The very best fantasies can be created and effectively maintained and the reason for this is that euphoria of this special premier-quality supports and gives backbone to any proposition that we might wish to put out there, no matter how ludicrously lame it might be. Observe human life, after all – what do you see? We human beings find it possible to believe in any crappy old nonsense at all, no matter how pathetically lame it might be. It’s a piece of cake for us and it is euphoria that facilitates this incorrigible foolishness of ours. As long as we’re feeling good we won’t ask any questions. Just as long as we’re feeling good we’ll go along with it, no matter how laughably dumb the proposition in question might be. We’ll back up the illusion, all the way; we’ll pledge undying allegiance to it, we’ll swear by it until the cows come home. We know what side our bread is buttered on, after all. You can be sure we know that. This is the mechanics of the situation, this is the explanation- if you will – for our staggering lack of interest in what actually genuinely is true, and our preposterous and most unpleasant love affair with pointless garbage. Some sort of explanation is needed after all, and this one makes perfectly good sense to me. It makes abundant sense to me, in fact. Euphoria is very much like money in this respect – if someone is giving you a steady supply of money then you are not going to question the source, you are not going to ask too many questions about where it’s coming from. That’s just human nature, obviously. Far from questioning the source, we’re going to create a very solid and very compelling narrative as to why the source is beyond reproach. We’ll invoke the Deity, if necessary. We’ll believe that narrative too of course – we will absolutely believe it. We will be completely hypnotised by our own false narrative. We will perceive ourselves to be innocent of any lies even as those lies come pouring out of our mouths. Our loyalty to the prevailing bullshit will be unshakable. So it is that euphoria stops our questioning or our curiosity dead – it kills it completely, it puts an end to it and in this way the bullshit gets to grow. It gets to grow and grow, it gets completely out of hand and yet still we believe in it. We won’t hear a word against it. Take a good look at the world around us, take a good look at the world that we are unfortunate enough to live in, and then tell me that this doesn’t make perfect sense! Euphoria is what allows our fantasies to grow, and not just grow but thrive mightily and become a whole self-consistent world. Out of the rich, creamy Primo quality euphoria comes the structuration-process and then – following this, after the Primary Source dries up – what we’re left with is the thin sporadic type of euphoria, the poor feeble dried-up cousin of the original which isn’t really worth a damn. What I’m talking about here are the thin, meagre satisfactions of everyday life, pathetically pointless as they are. The thin and sporadic satisfactions that so very easily turn into irritation and resentment. This is of course life as we know it, life as we must make do with it, as I am sure you will all too readily recognise. This is our lot for better or for worse, only there is no better of course, and that’s the catch. It can only ever get worse.