I was hanging onto the goodness, hanging onto it as tightly as I could. ‘Hang onto the goodness, hang onto the goodness, hang onto the goodness…’ I told myself earnestly. The only trouble was that the goodness had turned bad at this stage. It had soured, it had become malignant. I didn’t realise that the goodness which I was hanging onto so tightly had gone bad, I thought that the badness was out there in the world and that it needed to be rooted out and destroyed. ‘Root out the evil,’ I instructed myself in stentorian tones, ‘root out the wicked ones and destroy them…’
I performed the six sacred gestures of cleansing, and then moved on smoothly to the Great Affirmation. I affirmed that the indwelling essence within me was the rightful and legitimate Egoic Identity, and that it must never be questioned. The affirmation burst out from me and as I spoke it I knew it to be true. My whole body quivered with religious fervour. ‘Praise be to the Great Egoic Identity,’ I cried out, ‘let it endure forever through thick and also through thin’. I slapped myself about the face viciously as I came out with these words, as is the sacred tradition.
I had done the dirty on myself there and no mistake but I wasn’t to know. How could I have known? I was only doing what I’ve been taught to back when I was still my larval phase of existence, all those years ago back in the Time of the Teachers, when robot instructors roamed the streets in their thousands, looking for humans to convert to the Right Way. The humans, for their part (and I include myself here), were keen to be converted – we were tired and confused and desperate for answers. When a great new religion appears, out of the ashes of the old, degenerate, decrepit beliefs, then it is as well to become a follower – there is a fervour in the air that is hard to resist. A fervour that is dangerous to resist, too.
Then the Doom-Sayers appeared, some say from the concealed interior of the world where forgotten monsters hide, and they call they culled the robot hordes, saying that it was wrong to fashion an android in the form of a man. God was angry with humanity for being as feckless as they were, and for their habit of continually subscribing to false faiths. Eventually it turned out that the Doom-Sayers were robots too, only of a more sophisticated kind, and it also came out that that they served the Lord Satan instead of God, for all their claims to holiness. By then however it was too late to do anything about it – the Doom-Sayers had been established on earth and they couldn’t be dislodged. Humanity was obliged to go along with the dictates of the Evil One, and not for the first time in their history, either. Human-kind has always shown a tendency to gravitate towards fulfilling the will of the Dark One.
This potted history grows weary to me now, however. I simply haven’t the interest to go through it again – it’s a stale and corrupted narrative that bears no resemblance to the truth (which has of course been officially denied). ‘Why do the authorities always deny the truth?’ I hear you ask. It seems so unfair after all, it seems so rotten. Isn’t it the case that we rely on our nominated authorities to be honest with us and tell us what’s really going on? That’s the whole point of having authorities after all, that we should have some stalwart structure to rely on and trust with our well-being. ‘Why,’ you might ask, ‘do the authorities always reinterpret their role so that it ends up to be the role of repressing and abusing and belittling the poor citizens who had voted them into power in a rush of misguided enthusiasm?’ You might well ask, you might well ask…
That’s the way of the world though. It was decreed that it should be like this. It was written. That’s one thing I have learned, although it wasn’t from the robot teachers, back in the Time of the Teachers. This I learned from the teachings of the Cybernetic Seer himself, who came before the overzealous and literal-minded Robot Hordes appeared on the scene to humorlessly enforce (and misinterpret) the Cybernetic Messiah’s message. The Cybernetic Seer explained to us all that the energy holding this world together is satanic in origin and that the whole purpose of this darkly bureaucratic world is to oppress the human race. Satan is not kind and he does not wish as well, after all. We faithfully vote for his servants and set them up in positions of authority over us it is true, but that only makes the Great Evil One despise us all the more. Nothing we do pleases Him – the more we conform to his wishes the more contempt he feels for us. And yet if we go against his will then that really gets his goat – he’ll do his nut big-time then. His punishment will be both swift and terrible. The Cybernetic Messiah has explained to us that this world is composed of atoms of Titanic Matter, and that it is on this account wholly evil, which means that we must reject it entirely, without any hesitation.