The Torrents of Belial

Well they made a mistake and created the Trash World, they made a mistake and created the Garbage World I said. I was pleading the case for the human race in the Pan-Galactic court. They made a mistake and created the Rubbish World and by that unwholesome action they distorted the very nature of reality itself, the reality that we all live in. They created Garbage Memes that contaminated the sacred spaces of the universe and lowered the Cosmic Vibrational Level. They made a mistake and inadvertently created the Garbage World and infested reality itself with the hideous effluence of that unholy place. I was pleading the case for the human race but I wasn’t doing a very good job of it. They didn’t mean it, I said. They couldn’t help themselves. They promise not to do it again. It was just something I got into them and made them bad. Something got into them and made them commit these perverse acts and they could not help themselves. They said that they were sorry. They created the Garbage World but they didn’t mean to. They create the garbage but they didn’t. They created the, they created the. I was putting forward the case for the defence but it wasn’t going very well. I was making a bit of a hash of it. I was trying to explain about the Garbage Memes, I was trying to explain how they enter the unconscious and corrupt the workings of the psyche, turning it into a mere mechanism for the further propagation of the toxic filth that flows from the Filth World, which is the world known as Abaddon.  It was the place known as Abaddon, into which the Torrents of Belial flow. I explained all this and more before the assembled multitude. These are things of horror, I said. These are things that we would be better off never having to mention, but mention them we must for the gates have been breached. But mention them we must. I read aloud from the Demon Lists:


‘But for corruption thou hast made Belial, an angel of hostility. All his dominions are in darkness, and his purpose is to bring about wickedness and guilt. All the spirits that are associated with him are but angels of Sweed, a type of drug.’


‘And all those who enter in the Rule of the Community shall establish a covenant before God in order to carry out all that he commands and in order not to stray from following him for any fear, dread or grief that might occur during the dominion of Belial.’


I was trying to explain how the Garbage Memes enter the unconscious and corrupt the workings of the psyche, turning it into a mere mechanism for the further propagation of the hideous toxic filth that flows from the Filth World, which is also the world known as Abaddon. I was trying to explain about the place known as Abaddon, which is the place from where. I was trying to. I was trying to explain about the Filth World.  I was trying to explain about the Torrents of Belial that burst into the place known as Abaddon. From there they can ebb up unexpectedly, silently trickling into this our world, oozing up from broken floorboards in the dark basements of derelict buildings, contaminating all that is pure and innocent…










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