‘Glitch Doctor has encountered a problem and needs to close’ spelled out the pink fluorescent letters forming in the central field of my vision. This was an ongoing situation – every time I look they are there, spelling out their simple but nevertheless very final message.’ ‘All of society’s structures are games of course,’ I commented in a knowledgeable tone. I was talking to myself. I was always talking to myself. I was everywhere. I was everyone and everything. I was in ‘The Seamless Universe of Self’. I read that phrase in a book and had never forgotten it. If the hat fits then wear it, I always say. I never say that. ‘You’re all alone in the seamless universe of self and there’s no way out and no way in’, I informed myself glibly. I’d booked into the hotel. The Glitch Doctor had encountered an anomaly and it had to close down. The glitch was me, it occurred to me then. I was the glitch. I was everywhere. I was everyone and everything. There was no way out of the state of being me. There was no way in, either. I was trapped in the seamless universe of me and I was all alone, I told myself. Self-referentiality had set in when no one was looking and the system had run away with itself. I was up on the MindCloud and something had gone wrong with the process. An anomaly had set in. I’ve been uploaded onto the MindCloud, I told myself. I’m on the MindCloud and the Sky Rabbits have taken over. No one saw them come – they boiled up over the horizon. Self-referentiality had set in and there was no way out. There never is a way out. I knew I had to consult the Geek Guru – the Geek Guru had all the answers. I was in search of the Game Maker but no one had ever heard of him. ‘The Glitch Doctor has encountered a problem and needs to close down!’ said the voice in my head. The Geek Guru was rewriting my neural pathways for me but now he had vanished leaving me all alone. No one knew where he had gone. No one had ever heard of him. There was no one here but me and I didn’t recognise myself any more. I was in search of the Game Maker and the Game Maker was me. Everything was me but I didn’t know it.