
‘I’m a duplicate in the duplicate universe’ I think, in sudden panic

‘And the real me is lost forever…

The panic is overwhelming, terrifying

Unlike anything I have ever experienced before

But then the thought fades

I forget all about it

And move on to something else…



I feel strange, like a stranger in a strange land

Not knowing what I’m doing there

Not knowing where I came from.

It must have been something I ate, I think inanely, after a while

And the thought resonates away in the background

Never quite dying away….



Something I ate, something I ate, something I ate…

Say my thoughts

Something I ate, something I ate, something I ate…

Something I ate, something I ate, something I ate…

Something I ate, something I ate, something I ate…



My mind is an echo chamber

Full of restless murmurs

Like a field of long grass

Whispering softly in the breeze



Maybe it was something I thought, something I thought, something I thought…

Say the whispering thoughts to each other

Chorusing softly

The day has gone by without me noticing it go –

Dusk has fallen and I’m all alone in this strange unearthly world

Was it something I thought, something I thought, something I thought?

I thought




All around me fairy lights are bobbing up and down in the murky distance

Impossible to know if they’re near or far

Near or far

Are fairies real, I wonder?

Not knowing whether to be afraid or not

Are they good or bad?

In the gathering darkness the grass whispers answers

That I cannot hear….





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